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Symplocos racemosa Roxb. in Pandanus database of Indian plant names
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  Symplocos racemosa Roxb. details in Pandanus database of Indian plant names

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 Latin nameSymplocos racemosa Roxb.
 Identified with (Lat)Symplocos propinqua Hance, Symplocos nervosa A.DC., Symplocos hamiltoniana Wall., Symplocos rigida Wall.
 Identified with (Skt)lodhra
 Identified with (Pkt)loddha, luddha
 Identified with (Hin)lodh
 Identified with (Ben)lodhra, lodh
 Identified with (Tam)paṭṭikai
 Identified with (Eng)Lode tree, Lodh tree
 Botanical infoA shrub or a small tree, yellowish flowers, grows all over the North-East India up to 850m elevation.
 Search occurrencelodhra, in the Pandanus database of Sanskrit e-texts
 See plant's imageSymplocos racemosa Roxb. in Google image search
 Encyclopedias &

Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (p. 908)
m. = rodhra, Symplocos racemosa MBh. Kāv. &c.

Tamil Lexicon, University of Madras (p. 2424)
paṭṭikai: 01 1. Raft, float; 2. Boat, dhoney
02 1. ola leaf; 2. Royal grant or deed
03 1. Woman’s girdle, belt of gold or silver; 2. A belt; 3. Stays for the breast; 4. A shoulder-strap, used in yogic postures; 5. An ornamental structure around the wall, as in the inner sanctuary of a temple; 6. Lodh tree, s. tr., Symplocos racemosa; 7. Gulancha; 8. Garden chrysanthemum; 9. Fragrant screw-pine; 10. Clearing-nut tree

Dymock, Warden, Hooper: Pharmacographia Indica (vol. II, pp. 373-374)
Symplocos racemosa, Styraceae
This tree, in Sanskrit Lodhra or Rodhra, Srimata, "propitious," and Tilaka, "because it is used in making the Tilaka mark on the forehead," is described in the Nighantas as hot, alterative, and useful in phlegmatic diseases and leprosy. In the Bhāvaprakāsa it is said to be absorbent, stomachic, refrigerent, astringent, expectorant and haemostatic, and to be useful in eye diseases, liver, fevers, dysentery and dropsy. A decoction of the bark is used as a gargle when the gums are spongy and bleeding. (Suśruta.) It enters into the composition of various pastes which are applied to inflamed parts; it is supposed to promote the maturation and resolution of stagnant humours. In fevers, dysentery and liver complaints, compound decoction and infusions are used, and in dysentery a compound powder containing liquorice root, Myrica sapida bark, and pomegranate rind in equal proportions to the Lodhra bark. (Sarangadhara, Chakradatta.)
Roxburgh remarks that the bark is in request among the dyers of red in Calcutta, and seems to be used as a mordant only. He gives the following receipt: -"For three yards of cloth take Lodh bark, Chebulic myrobalans of each 2 ozs., rub them down with water, then add more water, steep the cloth and dry it. Next take 2 ozs. of alum, dissolve it in water and boil the cloth and dry it. Next take 2 ozs. of alum, dissolve it in water and boil the cloth in the solution for an hour, then wash and dry it. Lastly, take bark of Morinda tinctoria and flowers of Woodfordia floribunda of each 2 ozs., Madder root 1 lb., mix them with lukewarm water and let it boil, then put in the cloth and keep it in the boiling liquid for forty minutes." In this receipt the Lodh appears to be used as a dye to modify the colour afterwards produced by the Morinda and Madder. The middle layers of Lodh bark contain much red colouring matter.
In Europe it was formerly looked upon as a cinchona bark, and has been known at various times as "Ecorce de lautor," "China nova," "China Calafornica," "China Bradilensis," and "China Paraquatan." It is now known as "Lotur bark." Drs. Charles and Kanny Loll Dey recommend the bark in 20 gr. doses mixed with sugar as a remedial agent in menorrhagia due to relaxation of the uterine tissue; it should be given two to three times a day for three or four days. Dr. K. L. Dey considers that the drug has a specific action upon relaxed mucous membranes. (Pharm. Journ., Sept. 24, 1881.)

(c) 1998-2009 Seminar of Indian Studies, Institute of South and Central Asia, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Development of this database of Indian plant names was made possible by the generous funding of the Grant Agency of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.