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māgadhī in Pandanus database of Indian plant names
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  māgadhī details in Pandanus database of Indian plant names

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 Plant namemāgadhī
 Latin nameJasminum auriculatum Vahl - please click to view full record
 Sanskrit nameyūthikā, yūthī, māgadhī, sūcimallikā
 Hindi namejūhi, jūyi
 Tamil nameūcimallikai
 Malayalam nametūśimulla, sūcimulla
 English nameNeedle flower jasmine
 Search occurrenceyūthikā, yūthī, māgadhī, sūcimallikā, māgadhī, in the Pandanus database of Sanskrit e-texts
 Encyclopedias &

Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (p. 805)
māgadha, mf(ī)n. relating to or born in or living in or customary among the Magadhas or the Magadha country, AV.Pariś., Lalit. &c.; m. a king of the Magadha, MBh., Hariv.; N. of a mixed caste, AV. &c. &c. (accord to, Mn. x, 11 the son of a Kshatriya mother and a Vaiśya father; he is the professional bard or panegyrist of a king, often associated with suta and bandin, MBh., Kāv. &c.; accord. to others one who informs a Rāja of what occurs in bazaars; also an unmarried woman's son who lives by running messages or who cleans wells or dirty clothes &c.; also opprobrious N. of a tribe still numerous in GujarSt, and called the Bhāts, W.); white cumin, L.; N. of one of the seven sages in the 14th Manv-antara, Hariv.; of a son of Yadu ib.; (pl.) N. of a people (= magadhAH), AV.Pariś., MBh. &c.; of the warrior-caste in Śāka-dvīpa, VP.; of a dynasty ib.; (ā), f. a princess of the Magadhas, PadmaP.; long pepper, L.; (ī), f. a princess of the Magadhas, MBh., R.; the daughter of a Kshatriya mother and a Vaiśya father, MBh.; a female bard, Kād.; (with or scil. bhASā), the language of the Magadhas (one of the Prakṛit dialects) Sāh. &c. (cf. ardha-m-); Jasminum Auriculatum, L.; a kind of spice, Suśr. (long pepper; white cumin; anise; dill; a species of cardamoms grown in Gujarat, L.); refined sugar, L.; a kind of metre, VarBṛS.; N. of a river (= śoNā), R.

Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (p. 805)
māgadha, mf(ī)n. relating to or born in or living in or customary among the Magadhas or the Magadha country, AV.Pariś.; Lalit. &c.; m. a king of the Magadha, MBh.; Hariv.; N. of a mixed caste; AV. &c. &c. (accord to Mn. x, 11 the son of a Kshatriya mother and a Vaiśya father; he is the professional bard or panegyrist of a king, often associated with suta and bandin, MBh.; Kāv. &c.; accord. to others one who informs a Rāja of what occurs in bazaars; also an unmarried woman’s son who lives by running messages or who cleans wells or dirty clothes &c.; also opprobrious N. of a tribe still numerous in Gujarāt, and called the Bhāts, W.); white cumin, L.; N. of one of the seven sages in the 14th Manv-antara, Hariv.; of a son of Yadu, ib.; (pl.) N. of a people (= magadhāḥ), AV.Pariś.; MBh. &c.; of the warrior-caste in Śāka-dvīpa, VP.; of a dynasty, ib.; (ā) f. a princess of the Magadhas, PadmaP.; long pepper, L.; (ī) f. a princess of the Magadhas, MBh.; R.; the daughter of a Kshatriya mother and a Vaiśya father, MBh.; a female bard, Kād.; (with or scil. bhāṣā), the language of the Magadhas (one of the Prakṛt dialects), Sāh. &c. (cf. ardha-m-); Jasminum Auriculatum, L.; a kind of spice, Suśr. (long pepper; white cumin; anise; dill; a species of cardamoms grown in Gujarat, L.); refined sugar, L.; a kind of metre, VarBṛS.; N. of a river (= śoṇā), R.

(c) 1998-2009 Seminar of Indian Studies, Institute of South and Central Asia, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Development of this database of Indian plant names was made possible by the generous funding of the Grant Agency of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.