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abhayā in Pandanus database of Indian plant names
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  abhayā details in Pandanus database of Indian plant names

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 Plant nameabhayā
 Latin nameTerminalia chebula Retz. - please click to view full record
 Sanskrit nameabhayā, harītakī, pathyā
 Hindi nameharā, harārā, haraḍ
 Tamil namekaṭukkāy
 Malayalam namekaṭukka
 English nameChebulic myrobalan
 Search occurrenceabhayā, harītakī, pathyā, in the Pandanus database of Sanskrit e-texts
 Encyclopedias &

Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (p. 60)
abhaya, mf(ā)n. unfearful, not dangerous, secure; (a-bhaya), mfn. fearless, undaunted, ŚBr. xiv; m. N. of Śiva; of a natural son of Bimbisāra; of a son of Idhmajihva, BhP.; of a river in Krauñcadvīpa, BhP.; (ā), f. the plant Terminalia Chebula; (a-bhayam), n. (ifc., f. ā) absence or removal of fear, peace, safety, security, RV. &c. (cf. abhaya-tama below); 'safety', (applied as proper name to) a child of Dharma and his reign in Plakshadvīpa, BhP.; a kind of symbol procuring security, Hcat.; a sacrificial hymn recited to obtain personal security, Kauś.; the root of a fragrant grass, Andropogon Muricatum.

(c) 1998-2009 Seminar of Indian Studies, Institute of South and Central Asia, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Development of this database of Indian plant names was made possible by the generous funding of the Grant Agency of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.