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Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill. in Pandanus database of Indian plant names
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  Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill. details in Pandanus database of Indian plant names

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 Latin nameZiziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill.
 Identified with (Lat)Rhamnus oenoplia L.
 Identified with (Skt)karkandhu
 Identified with (Hin)makkāy
 Identified with (Tam)cūraiyilantai, cūraimuḷḷu
 Identified with (Mal)tuṭali, ceṛiyalanta, tuṭari
 Identified with (Eng)Jackal jujube
 Search occurrencekarkandhu, in the Pandanus database of Sanskrit e-texts
 See plant's imageZiziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill. in Google image search
 Encyclopedias &

Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (p. 256)
karkandhu, us, ūs mf. (fr. karka and √dhā Comm. on Uṇ. i, 95; according to others fr. karka and andhu, "a well"), Zizyphus Jujuba; (u) n. the fruit of this tree, the jujube berry, VS.; ŚBr.; KātyŚr.; Suśr. &c.; (us) m. a well without water, one dried up, Comm. on Uṇ. i, 28; N. of a man, RV. i, 112, 6; (ūs), f. a term or name applied to a fetus which is ten days old, BhP. iii, 31, 2.

(c) 1998-2009 Seminar of Indian Studies, Institute of South and Central Asia, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Development of this database of Indian plant names was made possible by the generous funding of the Grant Agency of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.