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 Context: the preceding and the following line for uttararāmacaritam 6.206back to results view  |  new search 
Text Nameuttararāmacaritam
Transcribed bystudents of the Institute of Indian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
Proofread bystudents of the Institute of Indian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
urc 6.205jagajjīrṇāraṇyaṃ bhavati ca kalatre'pyuparate kukūlānāṃ rāśau tadanu hṛdayaṃ pacyata iva //38//
urc 6.206(nepathye /) vasiṣṭho vālmīkirdaśarathamahiṣyo'tha janakaḥ sahaivārundhatyā śiśukalahamākarṇya sabhayāḥ /
urc 6.207jarāgrastairgātrairatha khalu sudūrāśramatayā cireṇāgacchanti tvaritamanaso viślathajaṭāḥ //39//
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 (c) 1998 - 2005 Seminar of Indian Studies, Institute of South and Central Asia, Faculty of Arts, Charles University.