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Evolvulus alsinoides L. in Pandanus database of Indian plant names
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  Evolvulus alsinoides L. details in Pandanus database of Indian plant names

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 Latin nameEvolvulus alsinoides L.
 Identified with (Skt)viṣṇukrāntā
 Identified with (Hin)śyāmākrāntā, viṣṇukrāntā
 Identified with (Tam)viṣṇukkirānti
 Identified with (Mal)viṣṇukkṛānti, kṛṣṇakṛānti, viṣṇukḷānti
 Botanical infoA small, hairy, procumbent perennial herb, growing throughout India up to 1800 m, leaves alternate, elliptic-oblong, strongly apiculate, with silky hairs, flowers light blue, fruits globose 4-valved drooping capsules
 Search occurrenceviṣṇukrāntā, in the Pandanus database of Sanskrit e-texts
 See plant's imageEvolvulus alsinoides L. in Google image search
 Encyclopedias &

Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (p. 999)
viṣṇukrānta, mf(ā)n. bestridden by Vishṇu, TĀr.; m. a kind of measure, Saṃgīt.; (ā), f. N. of various plants (accord. to, L. Clitoria Ternatea; Evolvulus Alsinoides; a kind of dark Śaṅkha-pushpī), Pañcar., ŚārṅgS. &c.

Tamil Lexicon, University of Madras (p. 3741)
viṣṇukkirānti: A medicinal plant

(c) 1998-2009 Seminar of Indian Studies, Institute of South and Central Asia, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Development of this database of Indian plant names was made possible by the generous funding of the Grant Agency of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.